The parish office is open:
Mon-Thur 8:30AM - 3:00PM
Parish Office / Rectory Address:
7 Sharpley Road, Wilmington, DE 19803
Phone: 302-652-6800, Fax: 302-601-7879
Select a person's underlined name to be directed to their email address.
Maegan Cobb
Business and Finance Manager
302-652-6800 ext. 113
David Ifkovits
Director of Music
302-798-6632 ext. 774
Karen Yasik
Director of Religious Education
302-652-6800 ext. 136
Cynthia Sanders
Communications Coordinator
302-652-6800 ext. 145
Melissa Pollio
Technology & Ministry
302-652-6800 ext. 139
Kylie Lavelle
Parish Coordinator
302-652-6800 ext. 110
Harry Hurst
Maintenance & Facilities Manager
Kathleen Jacono
SMM Interim School Principal
Each Friday, email updates are sent to all parishioners who have provided us with their email addresses. If you need to add, update, or delete an email address we have on file please contact us at 302-652-6800 or email Cynthia Sanders.
If you are in need of a copy of a baptismal certificate or an eligibility certificate to become a sponsor for baptism or confirmation, please email Kylie Lavelle with your request and your contact information to get the process started.